Friday, March 29, 2024

The Mirror in Suite 72 | M.P. Pellicer

On October 24, 1905 Mary Jane Caley was staying in Suite 72 at The Aberdeen Hotel; the same one she had rented several times in the past. That day she had already bought her ticket to return by train to her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Then for some unfathomable reason she shot herself in the temple. Why would a wealthy, 21-year-old woman do this?

Manhattan, New York, 1901
Penn Station was under construction, and Macy's had opened on 34th St. Around the corner from Tiffany, B. Altman and the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, plans were underway to build a new Beaux-Arts hotel. A style called apartment hotels, which were the latest thing for out-of-towners who needed a pied-a-terre, without the need to hire servants or worry about maintenance. Residents dined in a communal dining room or restaurant, and hotel staff catered to their needs.