Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Angelic Energies | Interview with Barry Strohm | Stories of the Supernatural

Barry Strohm resides in Park City, Utah with Connie, his wife of 50 years. What started as a casual interest in paranormal photography became an obsession as the author was led along the path of learning about the afterlife and learned of his unique ability to communicate with spirits on the other side of the life veil. He is currently the author of 10 books regarding all aspects of the afterlife, spirit communication and even aliens. Host - M.P. Pellicer www.MPPellicer.com SUPPORT VIA DONATION Buy Me A Coffee - https://bit.ly/3SZFf6c Miami Ghost Chronicles: http://bit.ly/MiaGhostChron Nightshade Diary: https://bit.ly/3WuER2z Stories of the Supernatural: https://bit.ly/3td5sDX MY BOOKS: Amazon: https://amzn.to/3UljpLr Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3NxXXjX WHERE TO FIND ME: Substack: https://bit.ly/3WtqjjG YouTube: https://bit.ly/3fwo0f2 Bitchute: https://bit.ly/3zAHZ2L Rumble: https://bit.ly/3fwewjY Twitter: https://bit.ly/3SUZAti Gab: https://bit.ly/3sVNPrY Gettr: https://bit.ly/3UjK6jt Clout Hub: https://bit.ly/3DTukqi Music - Pixabay.com, Purple-Planet.com Narration always by a human, no A.I. Guest - Barry Strohm Website -    / @onestrohm