Roswell is famous in UFOlogy for the alien spaceship crash that occurred in July, 1947. While the mystery of what really occurred that summer day in Roswell has consumed all the attention, there are other mysteries that have gone under the radar. What could be more mysterious than an extraterrestrial you may ask, how about its ghost?
Let's have a hot-tub time moment and return to 1947. In July, a crash is reported of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico and alien bodies are taken to Roswell Air Field hospital. It was rumored that one of the ETs was still alive at the crash site, and then died at the hospital. The wreckage and the remains were held at Hangar 84 a former B-29 hangar located on East Enterprise Ave, until being shipped to different destinations. One of them was the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and its notorious "Hangar 18".
READ THE REST The Strangest Ghost | M.P. Pellicer: