Showing posts with label folk magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label folk magic. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

Folklore and Rituals of the Dutch Country | M.P. Pellicer

There is a ritual tradition that spans three centuries practiced by Dutch settlers in Pennsylvania known as "hexerei"—witchcraft of evil intent, and "braucherei"—casting of spells with intent to do good and faith in "pow-wow doctors".

There are those who argue that rituals can both heal and harm. Bruacherei a healing method called powwow by the Pennsylvania Dutch, is passed mostly through oral tradition, and it addresses health problems for humans and livestock. But it's not only healing; there is protection and benedictions and prayers to ensure a positive outcome for everyday life. Christian symbols are intertwined within the practice.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Folk Ritual Magic Gone Wrong | M.P. Pellicer

It was the dark of night on Thanksgiving Day 1928, when three farmers stole into the house of another man located in York County's Rehmeyer's Hollow. They tortured and murdered Nelson Rehmeyer, spurred by the belief that he was a witch doctor steeped in the old Dutch mysticism known as Pow-Wows.

In 1820, John George Hohman, a German author penned a book titled The Long Lost Friend, which was composed of a "collection of mysterious arts and remedies for man as well as animals." There were spells, recipes and talismans to be used as cures including domestic troubles. It served as the blueprint for folk magic practiced by the Pennsylvania Dutch known as pow-wowing.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hoodoo and Folk Magic | Interview with Miss Aida | Podcast

Stories of the Supernatural podcast
Miss Aida was born into a family of Afro-Cuban witches, and since the age of 2 she had spirits come to visit her. She is currently a hoodoo and conjure practitioner. She explains cleansing, protection magic, how to banish negative energy and the power of curses and prayer. | Host/Narrator – Marlene Pardo Pellicer 

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