Showing posts with label haunted Miami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haunted Miami. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Prickly skin, a feeling that you're being watched or there's someone standing right behind (when there isn't) and a drop in temperature are all the hallmarks of the unearthly.

In Miami there are certain places where you're more likely to have these encounters with the other side.

"It was a dark and stormy night", the overused trope of gothic novels and low-budget films, can cause one to overlook that amongst the humming of insects, and the stillness of sub-tropical humidity the spirits of those who don't lie easy in their grave make their presence known. The Magic City has its own sordid history of murder, suicides, violence and secret burials that can provide a cast of thousands that can cause a shiver down your spine even in 80 degree weather. These are some of those places.