Showing posts with label medium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medium. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2019

Paranormal Journey | Interview with Dr. Mary Barrett | Podcast

Stories of the Supernatural podcast
Dr. Mary Barrett is a private investigator with psychic abilities. She is also an ordained minister, Reiki master and hypnotist.  | Host/Narrator – Marlene Pardo Pellicer 

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Monday, October 8, 2018

The Unquiet Dead are Everywhere | M.P. Pellicer

One of the first books I read which gave me a new perspective on the spirit world is Carl Wickland’s Thirty Years Among the Dead. which he wrote in 1924. Initially it was a little overwhelming to realize how enmeshed living humans as incarnated beings are with discarnates. I spent a couple of days mulling it over, and then plunged into Dr. Wickland’s book, discarding my disbelief, and truth be told, my fear over what he was describing​.



