Showing posts with label forgotten cemetery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forgotten cemetery. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Unclaimed Dead | M.P. Pellicer

Since 1896 Los Angeles County has been interring the indigent and unclaimed dead. Workers would log each name in large handwritten books. Most of them remained unnamed for years afterward, and some forever.

Ownership of the indigent cemetery or what was known as Potter's Field passed from the City to the County of Los Angeles in 1917, and in 1924, with burial space there exhausted, the County began to cremate its indigent deceased.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Philadelphia Old City's Forgotten Dead | M.P. Pellicer

In February 2017, Philadelphia crews working on an apartment building in the city's historic district got a shock when their backhoes started hitting coffins and unearthing fully intact human remains. The site was supposed to be a former burial ground from 1707, and all remains were supposedly exhumed in the 1800s and moved to a different cemetery, which apparently they weren't.




Monday, October 8, 2018

The Man With No Tongue | M.P. Pellicer

In 1991, near the village of Stanwick in England, an excavation unearthed burials dating back to the Roman occupation of Britain approximately 1,500 years ago.

One of the most mysterious finds the archaeologists made was a man whose tongue was cut out and a flat rock was placed inside his mouth. The reason for the mutilation is open to interpretation.

He died around 500 A.D., but it was not until 2017, that an in-depth study of the bones was made.